










RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_glasses_verizon2020mask_0_bundle_icon
TEXT: Verizon Mask

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_shirt_verizon2020sweater_0_bundle_icon
TEXT: Verizon Jacket

  • ベライゾンマスク
  • ベライゾンジャケット

参考元・画像出典 New Info – Verizon Shirt and Mask Pushed!





  • ポリゴンZの特別なわざ「トライアタック」
  • 新タスク「スピアーをメガシンカさせる」
  • ポケモンを博士に送る際に出るメッセージ
  • ビクティニのリサーチ
  • パスコードが必要なリサーチ
  • ポケストップスキャン関連


RESOURCE ID: move_name_0344
TEXT: Tri Attack





RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_evolve_beedrill
TEXT: Mega Evolve a Beedrill






RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_transfer_mega_evo
-TEXT: You cannot trade a Mega-Evolved Pokémon.
+TEXT: You cannot transfer a Mega-Evolved Pokémon.




RESOURCE ID: global_victini_title
TEXT: The Feeling of Victory

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_title_1
TEXT: The Feeling of Victory (1/6)

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_title_2
TEXT: The Feeling of Victory (2/6)

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_title_3
TEXT: The Feeling of Victory (3/6)

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_title_4
TEXT: The Feeling of Victory (4/6)

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_title_5
TEXT: The Feeling of Victory (5/6)

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_title_6
TEXT: The Feeling of Victory (6/6)




ビクティニを入手できるスペシャルリサーチ「勝利を手に入れろ!」は、「Pokémon GO Fest 2020(ポケモンGOフェスト2020)」でチケット購入者を対象に登場しました。


「Pokémon GO Fest 2020」限定の「スペシャルリサーチ」を完了し、すでにビクティニを捕まえたトレーナーは、ビクティニを強化できる「ポケモンのアメ」が手に入ります。

「GO Fest 2020:勝利を手に入れろ!」の詳細はこちら


RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_1_0
TEXT: Hey there, %PLAYERNAME%. As you know, I do a lot of research. There are just so many Pokémon to learn about and document!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_1_1
TEXT: Recently, I’ve been investigating Ralts, the Feeling Pokémon, to learn more about how this Pokémon senses people’s emotions by using the horns on its head.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_1_2
TEXT: It’s an amazing ability, don’t you think?

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_1_3
TEXT: I thought studying this Pokémon’s unique sensing powers could help me identify the strange feeling that’s been stirring inside me these past few weeks.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_1_4
TEXT: I’ve realized, though, that this isn’t any ordinary emotion—it’s a type of energy!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_1_5
TEXT: This mysterious energy is filling me with hope and determination. I feel like I could take on any challenge and be victorious!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_1_6
TEXT: I would appreciate your assistance in collecting more information on this strange and fascinating phenomenon.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_2_0
TEXT: Thanks for completing the research we needed to get started, %PLAYERNAME%.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_2_1
TEXT: While you were catching Pokémon and visiting PokéStops, I started digging through my research and found references to a phenomenon that seems to have a lot in common with what I’ve been experiencing.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_2_2
TEXT: The reports refer to a Mythical Pokémon that shares the infinite energy it creates with others to guarantee victory.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_2_3
TEXT: The reports also state that this Pokémon is Psychic- and Fire-type. What an amazing combination!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_2_4
TEXT: To get closer to confirming the source of the energy, let’s focus our efforts on catching Pokémon that share those same types.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_3_0
TEXT: Wonderful work, %PLAYERNAME%.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_3_1
TEXT: Thanks to your efforts researching Psychic- and Fire-type Pokémon, we’re well on our way to confirming the source of this mysterious energy.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_3_2
TEXT: There’s many a mystery surrounding our path forward, so I’ll keep poring over our research notes. In the meantime, I’d like you to work on becoming better friends with your Pokémon.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_3_3
TEXT: As a Trainer, strengthening the bond between you and your Pokémon is an important task that requires a specific set of skills.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_3_4
TEXT: To further develop those skills, why don’t you try spending time with your buddy?

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_3_5
TEXT: Successful partnerships take work and dedication, and talented Trainers build lifelong friendships with their Pokémon.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_3_6
TEXT: That being said, be sure to spend time with your buddy every day!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_4_0
TEXT: You have a wonderful bond with your buddy, Trainer! It’s been a treat watching that friendship bloom. Now, though, it’s time to focus our efforts on the matter at hand!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_4_1
TEXT: After further examination of the research you completed, I’m convinced that the Pokémon we’re looking for is Victini, the Victory Pokémon.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_4_2
TEXT: Not only would this be consistent with the references to a Psychic- and Fire-type Pokémon, but it would also explain the mysterious surge of energy I’ve been experiencing.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_4_3
TEXT: It’s time for you to befriend Victini. Since this Pokémon represents victory, I think winning a few battles might inspire it to come forward!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_4_4
TEXT: I’ve been hearing reports that Team GO Rocket is causing trouble. Battling these troublemakers just might show this Pokémon you’re worthy of attention!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_4_5
TEXT: Let’s see whether some victory will attract the Victory Pokémon!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_5_0
TEXT: Absolutely astounding, %PLAYERNAME%! I knew you’d be able to display your powerful bonds and battle prowess to impress the Mythical Pokémon Victini.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_5_1
TEXT: It shares the infinite energy it creates when its body overflows with power, so I’m absolutely certain now that the energy I was feeling was coming directly from Victini!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_5_2
TEXT: Be sure to use this power wisely, %PLAYERNAME%, as you and Victini take on new challenges. But for now, your hard work calls for a celebration!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_5_3
TEXT: Why don’t you take a few snapshots with Victini and share your success with fellow Trainers by sending them some Gifts?

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_6_0
TEXT: Once again, you have helped me uncover a huge discovery. I cannot thank you enough for your time and dedication.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_6_1
TEXT: The world of Pokémon is filled with endless discoveries and it isn’t everyday we come across a Mythical Pokémon!

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_6_2
TEXT: I hope that you will take the lessons we learned together through this investigation and apply them to your training.

RESOURCE ID: global_victini_dialogue_6_3
TEXT: I’m proud of you, %PLAYERNAME%, and hope you continue to strive to be your very best. Until next time, let’s GO!


RESOURCE ID: passcode_redeemed_modal_title
-TEXT: Passcode Redeemed
+TEXT: Code Redeemed

RESOURCE ID: passcode_redeemed_modal_view_research
-TEXT: Go to Research tasks

RESOURCE ID: sponsorship_special_research_redeemed_confirmation
-TEXT: Congratulations! You have successfully redeemed an offer that includes new Research.
+TEXT: Congratulations! You’ve successfully redeemed an offer for Special Research.


RESOURCE ID: titan_ar_mapping_scan_cancelled
TEXT: Scan cancelled

RESOURCE ID: titan_poi_ar_video_upload_now_button_with_size
TEXT: ({0}MB)


参考元 Victini Research, Mega Evolve A Beedrill Quest, and Minor Text Updates Pushed




